
Smile Malawi only survives with the generous donations from our supporters in the UK and elsewhere. We receive no grants or additional income from any other source. So we need you to act now to ‘keep the smile alive’.

A critical element of ‘keeping the smile alive’ for our children is to ensure we have enough regular, sustainable income to cover the day-to-day running costs of the orphanage and school fees – and to boost that from time to time when we need extra funds for a special project.

We hope that the real appeal of supporting Smile Malawi is that you can see the immediate benefit of your donations for the children, but you also feel personally involved with its success. There are three main ways in which you can act to support us and get involved:

  1. Donate
  2. Fundraise
    • as an individual
    • as a group, club or society
    • in your school
  3. Visit and make a difference